Pocket Book: Theme and Variations Part One

On December 30, 2020, Wendy Feldberg posted images on Instagram of one of the books she makes for storing swatched samples of her inks.

In response to requests, she posted some images of the construction a day later.

Wendy does not know the source of the book structure. I spent some time searching the Internet unsuccessfully. Even Pinterest failed me, as I could not find a similar enough construction to pin, thus sending the Pinterest bots on the hunt for more of the same.

I was intrigued by the possibilities offered by the combinations of the two units. The structure shown in Wendy’s first image is this:

The individual pocket pages are connected by a second folded page which is the same height and twice the width of the pocket page. Here’s my first model.

The image below shows two pocket pages connected by a double width page. I folded the pocket pages over the red card stock connector to ensure a good fit. I also went back and rounded the interior corners, as the copier paper I used for the model tended to catch and bend when I closed the book. (This was exacerbated by the fact that my yellow copier paper came with two pre-dinged corners.)

When the two-page unit is flipped over, you can see a vertical gap. The left half of the next red card stock connector slides in here under the left hand yellow page. The right half slides into the back right hand side of the next two-page unit.

The two-page units can easily be added or removed.

You can also vary the structure by changing the orientation of the yellow pocket pages.

If you want to lock the pocket pages more firmly in place, you can add connectors through the fore-edge openings of the pockets. (This hides the backs of the pocket pages so that they are not available for use.)


You can make an accordion book by alternately connecting the pocket pages from the back and the front,

which led me to think of folding double pages.

That led —pretty much inevitably— to more variations which I will show you next week.

In other book arts news:

If you enjoyed reading about antique puzzle purse valentines last week, and would like to try making other historic valentines, this could be the workshop for you!

More detailed information and a link for pre-registration can be found here.

About Byopia Press

I have been working in the book arts field for more than thirty years, and operating Byopia Press with my husband David since the late 1990s. I began producing artist's books and altered books in 2004. I also create prints and drawings that are frequently text-inspired or text-based.
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15 Responses to Pocket Book: Theme and Variations Part One

  1. wendyfe says:

    I am loving these variations, Cathryn! And your demo with the contrasting papers makes the structure so much easier to visualize. Maybe someone on BookArts L will recognize the structure


  2. micklebert says:

    Could it be related to a book Beth Lee has on her blog? Hers (from someone else) is in the accordion format, but has the wrap around pages and is modular. They look similar to me. https://callibeth.com/blog/2019/01/


    • Byopia Press says:

      Definitely related structurally, and looks similar to a version I will be posting next week.
      ; ]
      I had found this variation but I don’t think it is the same thing. Openings in the folded pages are on the back, for one thing. Also the single width pages allow for quite different assembly options.
      Close, though!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hilke Kurzke says:

    That looks interesting. What a nice idea.I had a very quick go at it just now. I like the idea for the double pages, even when hinged at the back as it led to a bit more stability for my flimsy pages. I reckon when using thicker card (like Wendy did) that doesn’t want to flap open so easily, it’s a more stable construction. I just tore to size some copy papers to give it a whirl.
    I have not seen it made like that, although it does bring to mind similar slide constructions. I think I have seen one, where the folded pages were more like small bands, closer to the spine, maybe allowed to hold on to themselves by a slit or something like that. – I only have a vague recollection at the moment.

    I am looking forward to seeing how you are going to use the structure. On first sight, to me, it seems that building up all these layers of paper (and effectively hiding them) is no big advantage to a more adhesive binding. But on second thought, the layering opens up so many possibilities… – I wish I had the time to go and experiment!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Pocket Book: Theme and Variations Part Two | Byopia Press

  5. Pingback: Pocket Book: Theme and Variations Part Three | Byopia Press

  6. Pingback: Making Artists Books | Byopia Press

  7. hollowjb says:

    I just took the opportunity to try this structure. It works a charm – of course, you knew that. I like it that you can patch together the insert pages from leftover cuts of card stock. Unless your structural plan is a good match to the paper you have available, you will have quite a bit of waste. I’ve only tried horizontal patching. I’m not keen on vertical, but maybe I will try it. The basic idea is so straightforward that it invites experiment. Thanks so much for this series.


  8. Pingback: More of the #99DayProject and a Sneak Peak | Byopia Press

  9. Pingback: Make Your Own Pocket/Panorama: Part One | Byopia Press

  10. Pingback: Make Your Own Pocket/Hedi Kyle Panorama Book: Part One | Byopia Press

  11. Pingback: Byopia Press Advent Calendar 2021: Day Twenty-four and Modular Accordions | Byopia Press

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